Sunday, February 8, 2009

Run to The Hills

If had any sort of reason I would leave now. I don't so I won't. Belize would be an ideal escape but I guess maybe deep down I want to see the empire fall. Apparently our leaders have no idea about the concept that infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible. Let me repeat, IMPOSSIBLE! So as we fight over the next stimulus package I just keep mentioning the warning signs to my loved ones. "Hey the city shut down the water last night for no reason." "Hey our bank is about to go under." "Hey greed has spun out of control." "Hey our government would rather help corporations than individuals." "Hey the Zombies are coming down the street." You get the idea. It is a great time to be alive but obviously that could change if I'm wrestling a guy in a parking lot for a scrap of bread. But for now I will savor every meal, clean water, my computer, and my ipod. Pathetic...I know but I was raised in capitalism and it will probably kill me as well.

1 comment:

Cactus Pix said...

You heard me talk about current events. It is not comforting to see elected officials during the most important of presidential speeches not really paying attention and twittering none-sense about Palosi applauding and Joe Biden, etc. Then the pathetic attempt at a rebuttal afterward... Go GOP, one of the reasons that we are in this mess to begin with, yet not willing to fix it either. Same ole' greedy vision of the future.